‘Reflections’ are diverse ‘op-eds’ in which artists, researchers, peer-reviewers, editors and readers express their view on what is going on in the field of artistic research. Reflections are not peer reviewed; restrictions in terms of language, length, topic or theme do not apply.

For more information about submitting your own ‘reflection’ please continue reading here.


Journal for Artistic Research (JAR): Draft Proposal (12/11/2009)

Michael Schwab

The Journal for Artistic Research (JAR): Draft Proposal was commissioned by Florian Dombois and funded by Y (Institute for Transdisciplinarity), Bern University of the Arts. It was finalised on 12/11/2009 and made available for download from the first JAR website paving the way for the founding of the Society for Artistic Research (SAR) as publisher of the journal. Without any stable download link, we decided to make this historical document available again.


Comments on the II Latin American Congress of Artistic Practice as Research (Santiago de Chile, 2024)

Carolina Benavente Morales
The II Latin American Congress of Artistic Practice as Research showcased the progress of this field in Latin America. Based on Robin Nelson's Practice as Research (PaR) model, designed for integrating artists into academia, I identified four key areas of focus at the Congress: the epistemic, the critical, the ontic, and the communicational. These areas revealed how the Congress presentations diverged from and inverted the PaR model, reflecting an effort to integrate artist-researchers into broader culture. The presentations demonstrated how artistic research generates knowledge and insights that challenge academic closure and open possibilities for transacademic relationality.

A constellated field

Eduardo Molinari
The present text is a special adaptation for the Journal for Artistic Research of the original version I wrote for the book 'Becas a la Investigación Artística / Proyecto Ballena', which was publicly presented at the Casa del Bicentenario, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on 7 December 2023. The aim was to share the theoretical background and the artistic tools and methods that, from my point of view, configure and strengthen a situated artistic research. The publication also included a foreword by Valeria Roberta González (then Secretary of National Heritage) and the voices of all the Fellows. The version I share here, on the other hand, seeks to build bridges of living intercultural knowledge between artist and non-artist researchers, between artistic, cultural and social institutions and organisations, and between popular and community culture and the academic world.

Curatorial Research – Opacity and Criticality from the Inside. Technology, Trans-Cultural Encounters and the Planetary Scale

Olga Schubert and Carmen Weisskopf & Domagoj Smoljo (!Mediengruppe Bitnik), in conversation with Felix Stalder
Felix: I think that we are approaching a consensus, particularly in the arts and humanities, that the contemporary condition requires new epistemologies, new ways of knowing, or, perhaps more importantly, new ways of learning. This has to do with the fact that the present is characterized by a multiplicity of agencies in complex, dynamic, often opaque settings. While critique remains important, of course, many of the modern methods for producing critique — distance, separation, disinterestedness, and universality — are perhaps no longer productive, even without considering the problematic historical legacies of these methods, imbricated as they are in coloniality and the destruction of nature.

The tree of knowledge. Visualization, materialization and teaching of research in the arts

Itzel Palacios Ruiz
In this text, I explore the ecosystemic metaphor of the tree of knowledge as a tool to visualize and socialize research processes in the arts, based on my experience in the Doctorate in Arts and Design at UNAM. On one hand, while investigating the relationship between academic and artistic practices, it allowed me to create representational schemes for non-linear processes and connections, blending diverse social methodologies with sculptural practice. On the other hand, in my current pedagogical practice, the metaphor inspires students to go beyond traditional formats and frameworks of production and research.

4 PREGUNTAS: Laura Olalde, "Creo que no existe investigación artística sin modulación de materia"

Laura Olalde

Laura es una artista independiente interdisciplinaria, además de educadora y comunicadora de prácticas en el cruce artístico-científico. Su trabajo en torno a los procesos de la materia viva como concepto central de la experiencia estética se nutre de procesos de colaboración con diversos grupos científicos. En este cruce arte-ciencia radica su particular visión en torno a la investigación artística.



Unravelling Space: A reflection on a Walking Residency

Clementine Butler-Gallie in conversation with Rik Fisher

At the end of 2023, artist and researcher Rik Fisher participated in a Walking Residency organised by ReRouting (RR) in partnership with Co-Making Matters (CMM) initiated and curated by Viviane Tabach.


Directions for SAR

Esa Kirkkopelto

In this Network Reflection, I am asking how SAR, as the leading international organisation in the field of artistic research, could better serve the actual need and interests of the versatile community it comprises. The following views are based on my long-term experience as a representative of the member institutions of the society, as well as on my two-year experience of board membership as an individual member. My critique does not concern the way SAR has been led so far. I am rather questioning the sustainability of the principles on which the functioning of the society has been based.
