How does the JAR website manage languages and translations?
Each page on the JAR website is available in an original language as well as a set of translations (if available). The language of a page is expressed in its URL: links to the page in English, links to the page in Spanish etc.
However, which language version a page is displayed in depends on the 'preferred language' chosen at the top of the site. This choice is not encoded in the URL.
If 'not set' is chosen, the site will redirect the URL to a page's original language.
If a language is chosen, the site will redirect to to that language of a page if it exists; if it does not exist, the site will redirect to a page's original language.
If I want to send a link to a specific language version of a page making sure that I will be shown in that language regardless the 'preferred language' setting, I have to send this URL where force language makes sure for a page to be loaded in the language specified.
Accessible versions in JAR
Since JAR32 (first issue 2024) expositions that are published in JAR can also be opened as 'accessible version'. These versions consist of media-free pages created inside each exposition. These pages are created in the last stages of the production process. Wherever relevant media are missing, grey boxes describe the media and provide a link to open it. The context of these boxes has to be provided by the author before copyediting. There is also an 'accessible pdf' of these pages which can be downloaded from an exposition's metadata page on the Research Catalogue.
When composing media descriptions, please keep in mind that these are not copies of media labels. Here's a link to a short introduction to ALT TEXT that can help with drafting media descriptions
What are JAR Network channels?
JAR Network Channels are a feature on allowing to group past and current JAR content (expositions and network texts) as well as links to external content (RC and otherwise). Channel editors can write editorials, upload documents, commenting on individual elements, and add Calls for Papers. Channels allow to interlink what has already been published with ongoing research ‘out there’ indicating the specific role artistic research plays in a channel’s chosen field.
The JAR Network Channels offer an alternative to special, thematic issues of JAR. Rather than providing a snapshot around a particular theme, the JAR Network Channels take a more developmental approach around themes as well as more generally concerns emergent from different submissions over time.
The JAR Network Channels are also the place for Non-English materials to be assembled allowing visitors access to JAR predominantly in their native or chosen language from which content in other languages (including English) may be explored. This paired with the editorial commentary will allow for much more local engagements with communities of practice.
JAR offers its Network Channels to SAR’s Special Interest Groups (SIG) as a possible vehicle for public facing collections of relevant materials as well as SIG outputs including Calls for Papers. (The option for SIG to initiate special issues of JAR in not affected.)
The channels are fully integrated in the JAR Network section on the journal’s website. Please refer to this page for examples: and for an overview.
Channel editors have access to the JAR website content management system (CMS) in order to create and assemble to channel pages. (Channel editors are responsible to check copy right compliance of all uploaded materials.)
Key features include:
- Metadata including name, editor list, key words etc. on the left of the page
- Space for visual and introductory text at the top of the page
- Group levels with space for additional text
- Tiled group contents (nodes) with space for individual commentary
The nodes form the key content of the channel. They can link to different types of material:
- Content already on the JAR website (JAR expositions, reflections and book reviews)
- Content external to the JAR website (publications of artistic research in JAR’s sister journals on the RC or RC expositions in general, materials published otherwise on the internet as well as references to offline content
- Content created for the channel (pages are similar to JAR reflections and book reviews)
Channels, being part of JAR’s network, operate independently from JAR but can benefit from JAR’s core activities:
- Channels can feed updates into JAR newsletters
- Channel articles can receive DOI
- Channels can offer reflections and book reviews to JAR to be integrated beyond the channel also in the general JAR Network space offering increased exposure
- Channels can launch Call for Papers that JAR will distribute with its own calls; these calls can lead to submissions to JAR (processed in the normal way) or contributions on channel level
- In the case of SIGs, channels can prepare and guest edit JAR special issues featuring content and post publication commentary
Please note that the JAR Network channels are not intended to operate as a ‘journal in a journal’ e.g. receive and publish submissions on the RC etc. They are also not meant to operate as expositions themselves since media use and styling options are limited.
Call for JAR Network Channel expressions of interest
JAR seeks expressions of interest from individuals or groups of individuals including SIGs to set up channels on Upon successful application, these individuals will be appointed as JAR Network Channel guest editors for a period of two years (or shorter) with possible renewals after this period.
Please contact us providing this information:
- Name of the proposed channel
- Name(s) and short bios of people to act as channel editors
- SIG (if applicaple)
- Short description and rationale of the channel
- List of at least three publications from JAR and its Network space that would initially be included
- List of additional links and references that would be included
Expositions: graphical or block editor?
JAR only accepts submissions that are created with the graphical or the block editor. You can use both variants inside a single exposition.
Graphical editor: text and media elements are placed on potentially very large backgrounds requiring readers to scroll across a page to read or view content. Those pages and the locations of your materials do not adjust to the screen or browser window allowing for maximum control over your page. However, pages created with the graphical editor make many expositions difficult to read on smaller screens or mobile devices.
Block editor: text and media elements are placed in rows and columns (‘blocks’), which adjust to the screen size and browser window. This leads to much better accessibility but less control of the relative size and positioning of your materials. (Note that not all features of the graphical editor are already implemented in the block editor.)
Due to the issue of accessibility, JAR prefers submissions created with the block editor for those cases where the page design is considered less important. However, when it is, please use the graphical editor.
Which exposition editor to use on the Research Catalogue?
The Research Catalogue currently distinguishes between three different types of editors, with which expositions can be created:
Given that the more recent block editor covers the same functionality than the text-based editor while being more integrated in the usual graphical editor interface, we strongly recommend not make submissions using the text-based editor.
The graphical editor and the block editor are integrated into the same exposition object allowing users to create different types of pages, which can be mixed inside that exposition. Whenever possible for specific pages, we recommend using the block editor since pages created with it are displayed context responsive. They are much better accessible on devices with small screens. However, pages that need more control over design and location must continue to use the graphical editor.
See the Research Catalogue Extended Guide for more information.
Internship job description and application process
The Journal for Artistic Research (JAR) is an academic, single-blind peer-reviewed, free and Open Access online journal for the dissemination of artistic research of all disciplines. JAR is published by the non-profit Society for Artistic Research (SAR).
JAR employs an Editorial Board chaired by the Editor-in-Chief in order to assess submissions and to further develop the journal. JAR’s Managing Editor organises the workflow and is the port of contact for authors. The editor responsible for the peer-reviewing process seeks and communicates with reviewers and presents peer-reviewing results to the Editorial Board. JAR also employs a Copyeditor.
JAR uses the online Research Catalogue for submissions, an online workspace (basecamp) to manage editorial workflows and zoom for monthly 90 mins meetings.
Interns are appointed for one year. An Editor must act as line-manager and first point of contact for them. Applicants should either contact a JAR Editor directly or specify a name or names of possible Editors as part of their application. Interns are appointed by the Editor-in-Chief. JAR will not allow for more than three Interns at any given time.
Candidates need to be passionate about artistic research and willing to integrate into the workings of the JAR Editorial Board. Since the Editorial Board works mostly over the Internet, a good internet connection and basic computer skills are a requirement.
Key duties of JAR Interns:
The estimated workload for these tasks is 8 – 10 hours per months. If Interns temporarily cannot join meetings or fulfil set tasks, it is expected that they proactively excuse themselves. Having to miss occasional meetings is perfectly normal in a busy diary.
Interns will be given full access to the JAR workspaces. A confidentiality statement will need to be signed and we expect conflicts of interests to be proactively voiced. For a single-blind peer-reviewed academic journal, confidentiality and impartiality are key elements.
Unfortunately, SAR is not able to pay any fee to Interns.
The Editor-in-Chief is happy to provide a letter documenting the internship.
Application materials:
Please contact the Editor-in-Chief using the web form explaining your interest in an internship. You will be able to send your application materials to an email address that will be provided to you in the response.
Does JAR accept proposals for special issues?
Currently, JAR does not accept proposals for special or thematic issues. Our publisher, the Society for Artistic Research (SAR), granted this possibility to its Special Interest Groups (SIG) only. If you are interested in setting up a SIG, please contact SAR directly.
For those interested in special issues, you may want to consider approaching Ruukku. Studies in Artistic Research, VIS. Nordic Journal for Artistic Research or HUB. Journal for Research in Art, Design and Society three of the other journals that engage with the rich-media capabilities of the Research Catalogue.
As an alternative to special issues, JAR creates its Network channels, a space for thematic points of entry into artistic research or for encounters in non-English languages. Please refer to this page for further information.
What is JAR’s language policy?
Until 2019, JAR required all submissions to be in English. While bilingual submission could be made, it was the English language version that was reviewed.
From 1 May 2019 onwards, JAR also accepts submissions in Spanish, Portuguese and German—see here for the call.
As described in the Editorial of JAR18, this selection of languages is not to be understood in any way as a preference for some languages over others; rather, it represents a pragmatic extension of the board’s possibilities. Depending on resources, realities and interests, other languages might follow in the future.
However, while English will always remain an option for submissions to JAR, it must be stated that any other language that JAR adopts may be dropped again should JAR’s resources not allow supporting it at a point in the future. An announcement will be made well in advance should JAR change its policies.
JAR aims to translate its communications and the relevant parts of its website into the languages it supports. Please bear with us as this is in development.
Please note that the JAR Network space is open to reflections and book reviews in any language beyond those supported in the peer-reviewed section of JAR.
Proposing a book for review in JAR
If you have a relevant book that you would like to offer JAR for review, please get in touch using our contact form here selecting ‘Network’ as the topic and describing the book briefly. In case you have already a potential book reviewer in mind, please mention his/her name in the message. Please also mention if the book in available in print and/or as digital copy.
We will add the titles that we receive to our list here from which potential reviewers can make a selection.
Currently, JAR accepts only books for review, which may, however, include artist books, special journal issues, catalogues etc. We aim to include other formats such as performances or exhibitions etc. in the future. Please bear with us as we develop this section.
While book review sections of academic journals tend to focus on new titles, JAR is also interested to publish reviews of older books providing that the review adds a new angle to the debate.
How to write a book review for the JAR Network space?
If you are interested in writing a book review for JAR, please look at this page for a list of available titles. Please click here if you want to propose a title that is currently not on the list.
Once you know which book you want to review, please get in touch using our contact form here selecting ‘Network’ as the topic mentioning the book you would like to review. Please click here for more information about the process.
Which reflections qualify for the JAR Network space?
Broadly speaking the JAR Network space is about artistic research and the activities of the communities of practitioners. We are particular interested to hear about exciting initiatives and the urgencies that drive people’s work using a more speculative approach to writing that allows to express what is at stake. However, we are also interested in the more personal reflections rooted in your own research practice.
Please click here for more information about the process.
Texts on the JAR Network are hosted on and not the Research Catalogue (RC) as JAR’s peer reviewed contributions are. As a consequence, there is much less flexible use of media and no control by the author over the design of the page. Furthermore, publications in the JAR Network need not be expositional, i.e. expose practice as research. Click here for more information about submissions to JAR. Please consider making a submission to JAR should you aim at a presentation of your own practice as research.
How to publish on the JAR Network space?
Anybody can send us texts to be published in this section. Please get in touch using our contact form here selecting ‘Network’ as the topic and describing your proposal briefly. We will respond as soon as possible.
Please click here to get more information about the kind of reflections we are interested in and click here for information about book reviews.
Manuscripts can be as long (or short) as necessary keeping in mind that they are to be read on the screen and, thus, resemble more blog posts than journal articles. Texts can be in any language including those not published in JAR; png/jpg images, mp3 audio and m4v video are supported.
After receiving your manuscript, the editorial board will discuss whether or not it should be included. Since the Network space is there to represent the diversity of positions and practices of artistic research, we aim to endorse as many different perspectives as possible regardless of whether or not they coincide with JAR’s approach.
There is no peer review for publications in the Network space of JAR. Once accepted, JAR provides feedback to the author suggesting possible revisions, which need not be followed. JAR will copyedit your final manuscript.
We aim to include new materials on an ongoing basis, which will be advertised as part of new issue announcements. On publication on, each text will receive a DOI, which is shown at the bottom of each contribution as part of the ‘suggested citation’.
Can I use embedded material in my submission (e. g. from youtube, vimeo, soundcloud, etc.)?
No, JAR does not allow embedded material in the submission.
Can an exposition published in JAR be republished on another portal?
Once an exposition is published in JAR, it can be connected to another portal, but not be published in it.
How can I influence the strategy, content, attitude of JAR?
- JAR is guided by input from the SAR Executive Board and its members
- we believe that quality is not democratic, but a question of discussion and argumentation, therefore, we support special-interest forums, allowing a wide range of people to be involved in the strategic developments of JAR:
- you can become a member of SAR and attend the Annual Meetings
- you can put yourself forward for election to the SAR Executive Board or apply for appointment to the Editorial Board
How are individual and institutional interests balanced?
- Voting rights are the same for institutional and individual members
- JAR and SAR supports non-institutional artistic researchers, for example, by organising travel grants for Annual Meetings, etc.
What is the difference between publishing in the Research Catalogue (RC) and in JAR?
- RC is inclusive, open-ended, and bottom-up
- any aspect of a research project can be self-published within the RC
- in contrast to the RC, JAR is peer-reviewed, which means that throughout the preparation of an exposition for publication in JAR there is close exchange between authors and editors
How can I publish in JAR?
- Read the JAR submissions page (link) for information on opening an account with the Research Catalogue, assembling an exposition and submitting it to the journal. Use the detailed tutorials and help guides on the RC (link) to assist you.
- if you need further assistance, please contact the Managing Editor (link contact email:
How can I become a reviewer?
- The quality of JAR relies heavily on the quality of reviews; so, if you have substantial expertise in artistic research in your fields of interest and are interested in acting as a referee, please contact us Editor (email For further information on the review process please see our Peer Review page (link).
Is JAR free of charge?
- It is free to create an account on the Research Catalogue and to submit to JAR
- as part of its commitment to Open Access, it is free to access and read all expositions published in JAR. You can view our full archive here (link).
Is JAR Open Access and listed in the respective directories?
- Yes, although the question is open to interpretation. As far as SAR is concerned, the RC is Open Access since content can be accessed free of charge without a subscription cost. However, some Open Access directories follow the Budapest OA Initiative, which states that apart from being freely accessible, assets in an Open Access publication also need to be re-distributable. SAR does not permit this (see RC Terms of Use) due to copyright issues.
What is the legal framework of the RC, in particular regarding copyright?
- The Research Catalogue Terms of Use are more restrictive than Creative Commons licenses insofar as use and distribution of any material uploaded to the Research Catalogue is allowed only within SAR web domains (such as the Research Catalogue itself) and not beyond this.
- This decision is based on the fact that artists find it difficult to be given permission to use others’ work in the context of their research on the Internet. More restrictive terms may help to convince copyright holders to grant permission to use a particular piece of art that the right holder may legally not want to see circulating on the Internet.
- This point relates also to the question regarding Open Access.
In which research indexes is JAR listed?
- European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS)
- Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers (Level 2)
- Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) are registered with CrossRef.
Is it possible to download JAR articles in PDF format?
- JAR is built on the Research Catalogue, a rich media web format. Expositions often include media files such as .mpg and .mov that cannot be represented in PDF format.
- Additionally our Terms of Use are more restrictive than Creative Commons licences. All JAR expositions are free to view online.
How can I cite JAR expositions in a journal article, book or essay?
- JAR expositions can be cited as one would any other e-journal.
- JAR and the Research Catalogue can be linked via an RSS feed to library systems.
How is JAR financed?
- JAR is financed by SAR, which receives income from individual and institutional membership fees, and also sponsorship
- strategic alliances with research projects such as the Artistic Research Catalogue (ARC) also allow JAR to develop its infrastructure
Whom do we want to reach with JAR?
- Professional artistic researchers from all arts fields, such as fine arts, music, theatre, dance, curators and other key players in the arts, etc.
- practicing artists
- academics
this is spanish
Whom do we want to reach with JAR?
- Professional artistic researchers from all arts fields, such as fine arts, music, theatre, dance, curators and other key players in the arts, etc.
- practicing artists
- academics