The JAR Network Channels offer collections of materials, references and commentary dedicated to specific themes or languages, in which we accept submissions. They bring together materials from past JAR issues, from other journals, both on and off the Research Catalogue, as well as further links and resources. The JAR Network Channels aim to offer both content and context to artistic research through thematically dedicated points of entry.

If you are interested in proposing a JAR Network channel, please refer to this page for more information.

Asia Pacific Artistic Research Network

Introducing the Asia Pacific Artistic Research Network channel for the Journal of Artistic Research

The development of artistic research has had a strong focus in Europe and the former British colonies, reflecting the critical restructuring of educational

Diskurse im deutschsprachigen Raum

Im deutschsprachigen Raum gibt es die verschiedensten Ansätze zur künstlerischen Forschung. Die unterschiedlichen institutionellen Kontexte in Österreich, der Schweiz und Deutschland führen darüberhinaus zu zusätzlicher Verwirrung.



Estratégias curatoriais e aportes teóricos em português.

Canal en español

Por medio de este canal, JAR busca potenciar la investigación artística (IA) o investigación creación realizada en o desde los diversos países y regiones donde predomina el habla hispana (y portuguesa), o traducida a sus idiomas y lenguas,