I lost time and space. Where am I? – Erzählen von chronischen Schmerzen

Tabea Rothfuchs

Was passiert mit der inneren und äusseren Welt eines Menschen, wenn kein medizinisches Verfahren den Ursprung des erlebten Schmerzes (mehr) zu entziffern vermag? Wenn der Schmerz zum eigenständigen Krankheitsbild 'Chronischer Schmerz' geworden ist? In einer Dialogserie mit Schmerzpatient*innen und Schmerzspezialist*innen erforsche ich in dieser Untersuchung – als Künstlerin und Schmerzerinnernde –, wie chronische Schmerzen das Leben beeinflussen, verändern und welchen Raum sie im Leben der betroffenen und behandelnden Menschen einnehmen.


Memory as a Method for Filmmaking

Emilio Angel Reyes Bassail
This research develops a method for filmmaking that uses autobiographical memory as a guiding principle for the production of images. The proposed method comes as the result of a double gesture in which I wanted to a) acquire a subjective understanding of memory that came from artistic practice; and b) materialize the process of memory through film.

50 Billion Micrograms. In the Search of the Aftermath of an Event

Christine Hansen
This exposition provides an example of how art can offer an alternative way of understanding the past through my work “50 Billion Micrograms”. The project explored a forgotten media event from 1979, in which a gigantic meteorite supposedly landed in a remote lake on the west coast of Norway. The exposition attempts to demonstrate how ambiguity was a fuel the project.

Crossing: Between the Italic Domus and the Artistic Environment

Krien Clevis
Between 2009 and 2012 I made several visits to Italy to study at the Royal Dutch Institute in Rome, as well as to carry out historical field research in Pompeii, Herculaneum, Rome and Cerveteri. These trips were designed to provide material for writing several essays and developing an installation based on the classical atrium house