Past member
City & country
New York City, USA
Teachers College, Columbia University

Clare Murray is a visual artist and third year art and art education doctoral student at Teachers College, Columbia University. Her current research explores how children perceive of and evaluate quality when it comes to museum spaces, using a mix of arts-based methods. Other research interests include co-design, youth participatory action research, civic engagement, cultural citizenship, and promising practices in early childhood art museum education. She has worked as a research assistant and teaching assistant in her graduate school institutions.

Clare holds an MA in Art in Education from the Harvard Graduate School of Education, an MEd in Early Childhood Education Policy from Teachers College, and a BA in Economics and Latin American Studies from Colby College. She co-founded and leads a nonprofit art museum bus designed with/by/for young children in her home state of Connecticut. In 2018, she was awarded a Fulbright Predoctoral Research Grant to study the art educational programming of a network of independent cultural spaces in Spain, and she continues to research and publish work regarding children and their museum experiences. 

Clare is also an active member of the International Council of Museums Committee for Education and Cultural Action, the National Art Education Association Public Policy and Arts Administration Special Interest Group, and the International Art in Early Childhood Organization.