Past member
City & country
Berlin, Germany
Editorial Board
Research interests
Interactions between Classic and New Media Art: Drawing / Painting/ Engraving & installation / performance / digital art
Mathematics, Art & Environment
Mathematics & Poetry: Structure of Language and the Grammar of Logic
Friedrich Nietzsche
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Music & Visual Art
Orient Occident: Interconnections / Mutual Perception / Encounters and Transmission of Forms of Art & Knowledge

Siham Issami is a visual artist and writer based in Berlin. Her literary and artistic works are very much linked together, and both emphasize the connections between Science, Art, Music and History. Her education consists of studies in Mathematics, Fine Arts, and Music Theory. Since 2018 she is a co-founder and director of the research institute 'Orients Occidents Nexus' in Berlin and Vice-President of Abdelkébir Khatibi Foundation in Rabat.

She occupied several positions of responsibility in the art and cultural field. She worked as General Secretary to the “Grand Prix de la Critique Littéraire “ (Paris); Board-Comity Member of the French P.E.N Club (Paris) and was for several years adviser to the Moroccan Minister of Culture (Rabat).

For her work on Friedrich Nietzsche she was granted a fellowship at Kolleg Friedrich Nietzsche (Weimar) and is a cooperation-partner in the International Nietzsche Research Group of the Stuttgart Research Centre for Text Studies as well as member of the Nietzsche-Gesellschaft at the Nietzsche Dokumentationszentrum in Naumburg.

She was twice artist in residence at the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris, and was the first to receive the French Creation Grant from Societé des Gens de Lettres de France (SGDL) for her novel written with the structure of a logarithmic spiral: “ou bien vertige”.

Siham Issami is a member of the Society for Artistic Research in Germany (gkfd)